Nominations sought for 2020-2021 leadership
The Nominations Committee seeks candidates and/or self-nominations for Chair-elect, Treasurer-elect, Secretary and two At Large Representative. If you are interested in running or want to nominate a candidate, the nomination form includes 3 questions regarding participation in NACCS, in Chicana & Chicano Studies and Community. The contact information you provide must also include a short biographical sketch.
Preferred/Eligibility Criteria
- Current membership in NACCS
- Immediate past membership in NACCS (for Chair-elect/Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer-elect/Treasurer 4 years minimum of past membership; for At-Large Reps two years minimum of past membership)
- Significant and Demonstrated active participation in NACCS
- Significant and Demonstrated active contribution to Chicana & Chicano Studies
- Demonstrated contributions to advance the interests and needs of the Chicana & Chicano community
- Active participation in NACCS Foco and/or Caucus
The nomination of any individual is not considered final. Based on the nominations received and/or outreached to, the Nominations Committee will decide on the slate that best represents the diversity (region, interest, and/or research) of the NACCS body.
Submit your nomination(s) by November 30, 2019.
Fall 2019 Vol. 44 No. 1