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New Board Members Reflect Upon Their First NACS/NACCS Experience

NACXS 1993: Queer Chicanas on the Move

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, Chair Elect

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, Chair-Elect

Nineteen Ninety-two was my first NACXS, but 1993 is when I got hooked.  In the months leading up to the conference on early morning Saturdays, I’d hop into the back of Prof. Curry’s car in Albany.  She’d throw me a warm foil wrapped burrito and she and Kathy would drive and talk sociology and literature to me before my brain was working; it still felt like I was getting smarter hearing it though.  We’d arrive at San Jose State into a room full of older guys who were part of the conference organizing committee. 

I was the queer rep for the San Jose site committee and I felt young and intimidated surrounded by these established straight scholars.  I spoke up a couple of times.  I fought to have a bright pink queer tip sheet included in everyone’s folders, with local queer friendly hang-outs and resources listed.  I got us a queer greeting table too.  Both seemed like a huge deal. 

For their part, when it came to deciding on a major speaker, they seemed torn between Anzaldua and Moraga.  At the time I thought, “wow, the lesbians aren’t in the room, but they’re the biggest stars these guys could think of.”  We’ve made some ground.

At the conference itself, I presented my first ever paper, “New Languages of Love Entre Chicanas” and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano was in the audience and I was floored.  We also packed a room with a dyke fashion show panel with an mc, music, outfits, and awards, including Deb Vargas, Sandra Soto, myself, Lisa Arellanes, Marcia Ochoa, and others.  If the academy could be a room full of dykes talking, laughing, theorizing, and dancing, then I thought I could be part of it. 

Later that night, we chose a queer club off the list to celebrate, and danced til closing.  Arriving back at the hotel around 3 am, one of the women in our group was punched by a young straight male NACXS participant.  We hurried to get hotel security, but they turned on us, deciding that we were too young to be out this late.  We called members of the coordinating committee, but they weren’t interested in assisting us either.  Finally, I called Prof. Curry from my foco.  She called others and finally got Kathy to come down.  They stayed with us to meet the police and to submit our report.  

The next day, we went to the Lesbian Caucus [now known as the LMBT Caucus] to tell them what happened and to ask for some kind of support.  Rusty was leading the group, full of concern and outrage, and she brought us to stand together in a long line at the front of the next plenary.  We condemned the violence, and asked NACXS members to take seriously the danger of homophobia, my friend’s wounded queer body an example of the consequences.  I felt the shock of the room, and their warmth.  They were appalled that we had been hurt. 

NACXS 1993, for me, was queer Chicana celebration, vulnerability, and solidarity with our membership.


First Recollections

Ernesto Colín, Treasurer-Elect

Ernesto Collin, Treasurer

My first recollections of NACCS are hazy, but the impact has been long-lasting. I attended high school in San José, CA and, as a first-generation high school student within an all-boys private school, I found a safe and generative space in a school-club called La Raza Unida. There, I developed my Xicano identity and learned about Chicanx art, literature, history, and activism. My world opened up substantially in those formative years. We had mentors from MEChA at San José State University who invited us to community events in those days: I remember marching with the UFW, a Francisco X. Alarcón Snake Poems reading, and going to an American Me film screening/discussion. Meanwhile, the NACCS conference came to San José (1993). I was in school during the week, but did make it to the conference for a bit on Saturday. I remember walking around the hotel, dazzled by the number of students and scholars who looked like me and who presented on topics excluded from my entire schooling career. I felt invigorated, thirsty for more. I didn’t not know it at the time, but in the rooms and halls of the Fairmont hotel were future professors, colleagues, scholars, and artists who I would read, admire, and who would leave an imprint on my life and scholarship.

Sustained by the ethnic studies we carved out for ourselves in high school, I chose Chicana/o Studies as one of my college majors. I kept attending MEChA statewide conferences and other academic meetings. This propelled me to graduate school and soon I was presenting and taking part in NACCS regularly (Guadalajara, Seattle, Pasadena, Chicago, SLC, San Francisco, etc.) Completing a circle perhaps, I presented in San José in 2007. I came into leadership in the organization, took my own students, helped hold space for ceremony and elders, and established professional relationships that supported my work and path to university tenure. I have appreciated the friendships, the evolutions, and the frictions within the organization. I am gratified to be a part of the fabric of the organization.


Home Coming

Francisco Villegas, At-large Representative

Villegas (right side) with his students and Prof. Josie Mendez-Negrete (center). NACCS Irvine, 2004.

While I have been part of NACCS since 2004, I was unable to attend a national meeting until thirteen years later. I would often hear about the different conference from friends and colleagues and look forward to being able to attend. When I finally had my opportunity two years ago in Irvine, I loved it. I brought six of my students and everyone was incredibly kind and generous to us. It was a sense of coming home and everyone welcomed us as family. We were so impressed that this year, with it being held in the Midwest, we brought 17, ten of whom shared their work. My students had never seen so many people in academia that looked like them, talked like them, and came from communities like theirs. They had also not experienced the type of spaces that valued our ontologies and epistemologies. It not only made it look possible for them to reach that space, but also to do so without selling out to hegemonic ideas about our communities. In this way, NACCS has been an important space for me to develop a sense of home within academia and to find work that is relevant to my community. Having spent so much time away, it has been a great experience to find connections to my own roots and I appreciate the opportunity to play a bigger role in the organization.


First Time

Maria C. Gonzalez, At-large Representative

Maria Gonzalez, At-Large Rep.

Editor’s Note: Although this is not the first time Maria is part of the NACCS Board, as she has held several posts as a caucus chair, a foco representative and as an At-large representative (until 2017). So she did leave us for a short time and was reappointed when an At-large rep resigned mid-term from his post. We are pleased that she was elected/reelected by the membership.

The first NACCS I ever attended was in San Antonio in 1992 when NACCS was NACS – National Association for Chicano Studies.  With or without “Chicanas” in the name, it has always been welcoming conference. I was a newly minted Ph.D. out of a large Midwestern University with very little direct connections to NACS.  I only knew the names of presenters through reading their books and articles.  Today, I consider many of its longtime members good friends.  And while I have seen my share of the struggles within the organization, I can say I would rather be at any NACCS conference than to ever have to attend another MLA meeting again.


Lilia Soto, Secretary

Lilia Soto, Secretary

My first NACCS experience was in 2003 Los Angeles. I presented with my fellow Ethnic Studies classmates from UC Berkeley in 2004, Albuquerque. But it took me, to take my students to the 2015 NACCS meeting in San Francisco to remind me how I felt attending NACCS as a student.  My colleague and I took four students from the Latina/o Studies Program at the University of Wyoming, who had been accepted to present their research.  The title of the panel, “The Neglect of Mexican Immigrants in the Equality State,” included papers by four of our brightest undergraduates who were interested in exploring the meaning of being Chicana/o in a state like Wyoming where the majority of the population does not look like them.  They were interested in exploring migration in a non-gate state that everyone seems to forget.  I had the pleasure and privilege of working with these students from the initial stages: putting the proposal together, completing their papers, and rehearsing their papers out loud.  For all of them, this was their first NACCS.  The panel was well attended and the audience was quite interested in understanding what it meant to be Chicana/o in a state like Wyoming, when and how they arrived, how they survive, and what they hoped to pursue upon graduation.   As someone from California who grew up surrounded by Chicana/o/Latinx communities who moved to Laramie, I have become used to such questions.  For the students, however, this was new, which made their lived experiences and research projects all the more special and important as the audience was receiving first-hand accounts of life beyond the Southwest.

Upon returning home, we debriefed.  The students spoke to what it felt like to be surrounded by so many people who looked like them, by scholars whom they had read, and overall by the collegiality and camaraderie they received.  Friendships were forged.  Attending NACCS allowed our students to ponder on pursuing M.A. and Ph.D. degrees and return to their state and make changes at various levels.  Sometimes we forget what such intellectual spaces mean. It is wonderful to be reminded and I thank my students for reminding me of how I felt attending my first NACCS back in 2003.

Board Secretary Says Adios y Gracias!

Dear NACCSistas,

Jennie Luna, NACCS Secretary 2016-2018

As outgoing Secretary of the Board, I want to share a few notes from our annual meeting and a few observations of the work ahead of us. In our recent board election, we had 138 members vote out of the 397 paid members. While this is actually a significant number of voters in comparison to past years, I want to encourage our members to take a more active role in our organization, not only in voting for your national representation, but in taking on leadership roles in your regional focos.

Please remember to keep your membership updated annually and encourage others to become members of our organization. Your membership dues sustain our operations as an organization, while your registration at our annual conference is what pays for the conference itself. This year, in the days leading up to the conference, we had 200 pre-registered attendees, but 400 people listed as presenters on the program. The earlier you register, the more accurate our account can be as we prepare for the conference. Further, it is vital that presenters and all attendees pay their membership and conference registration. So many of us have benefited over the years professionally and personally from NACCS. For many of us, it is where we first presented at a national academic conference. It has given us a platform to share our research and engage in important discussions about our field; it has provided a space to bring together scholars, activists, and community in order to advocate for all that we value in Chicana/o Studies. It has been a space to cultivate the next generation of Chicana/o Studies scholars. Therefore, it is critical that we invest in NACCS through our membership fees, conference registration, website and program advertisement purchases, and donations. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Third World Liberation Front and the birth of the Plan de Santa Barbara, it is important to reflect on the next 50 years of our discipline and how we can continue to grow NACCS.

As a board, we discussed the need to restructure the way we pay for membership and registration online. The current invoice structure is extremely labor intensive and will be retired. The board will work on developing a more streamlined way of handling payments in the future, with clear instructions for our members. We are exploring how to make our website more accessible and how to add links to pay caucus dues and give donations.

I am excited about our National board leadership and look forward to the work they will continue to produce for our organization. I look forward to supporting the incoming secretary, Lilia Soto and have confidence in all the new incoming leadership on board that they will continue to good work of NACCS.

Lastly, I want to publicly thank and express my admiration for the Executive Director, Associate Director and the entire board for your leadership, collegiality, and perseverance. I have learned and gained so much over the past 2 years as secretary and encourage others to consider service to NACCS in the future.

Con respeto,

Jennie Luna, Board Secretary: 2016-2018

Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1

FINALLY, I get to be Past Chair!

by V. June Pedraza – NACCS Chair, 2016-2018

V. June Pedraza, Chair 2016-18

I have been a member of NACCS since I was in graduate school, and I have always believed in the work that this organization cultivates and engages in.  My work in the Tejas foco lead to my nomination for NACCS Chair.

The Foco and its membership taught me about what it was to be a Chicana in academia and in our community. I continue to draw support from the leadership in my foco as I continue to participate on the board.  As the chair of NACCS for the last two years, I find myself more engaged in keeping the organization alive and thriving.  I know that this year’s board will thrive and bring new ideas.   While I still have one more year remaining on the Board, I will always care for this organization and look forward to working with our new board members.

While technically I should have transitioned off the Board this year, I was drawn back to complete another year as Chair for 2017-2018. So now, as I finally take my role as Past-Chair, I have a greater appreciation for the work it takes to put on the national conference, as this is my third one that I have seen from beginning to end.  I must thank everyone for their participation at the NACCS 2018 conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It was an amazing conference, and “The Queer Turn” brought about so many needed and great conversations within the academy.

Of course, I want to thank the hardworking NACCS board members for making this year’s conference happen. In addition, much appreciation is extended to the Midwest Foco for all the energy and work that made the conference memorable.

I am also very excited about this year’s NACCS board, and I am happy that Dr. Aureliano M. DeSoto will serve as the 2019 NACCS Board Chair.

Thank you again to all the NACCS members, and I look forward to NACCS 2019.

Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1

New Foco and Caucus Reps 2018

New Foco and Caucus Reps 2018

• Pacific Northwest Foco: Norma Cardenas;

• East Coast Foco: José A. de la Garza Valenzuela;

• Tejas Foco:Felipe Hinojosa;


• Lesbian BiMujeres Trans Caucus: Nadia Zepeda;

• Joto Caucus: Meño Santillana:

• Chicana Caucus:Yvette Saavedra; and

Isabel Millan;

Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1

2018 NACCS Resolutions and New Procedure

From the Board:

NACCS 2018 Resolutions:

  1. Defending Academic Freedom on all College and University Campuses, Northern CA Foco
  2. Establishing Ethnic Studies as a Graduation Requirement in California High Schools, Northern CA Foco (endorsed by SoCal Foco)
  3. University/College Sanctuary policies Resisting Anti-Immigrant Discourse and Federal Immigration Policy,Northern CA Foco
  4. Resolution in defense of academic freedom and freedom of speech for Professor Abdulhadi, Palestinian scholar-activists, student-activists, and their allies, Indigenous Caucus

Approved the following resolution at the business meeting:

  1. Treasurer-Elect Resolution

Link to Full Text NACCS Resolutions 2018

New Resolution Procedure Introduced (Update July 2018)

After many years of discussion, a change to the procedure for submitting resolutions was used for the 2018 conference. The Board asked Foco and Caucus leadership to work with their members to deliberate and begin the procedure prior to the conference. The new calendar for submission asked for resolutions be sent in fourteen (14) days before the beginning of the conference to allow the Board to review, comment, and begin communications with the Leadership giving everyone sufficient time to prepare the documents to be presented the membership for voting and/or deliberation.

Five resolutions were submitted and voted on at the annual meetings. In general, Foco Reps and Caucus Chairs were favorable to the new process as it also gave them greater time to do work ahead of the conference which freed them for greater engagement during the conference. No negative comments were received regarding this process. Therefore, we will have a pro-forma resolution from the board to integrate this process into the existing by-laws.

Here is the link to the New Resolution Procedure.

Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1


NACCS Board Minutes, Annual Meeting 2018

Board minutes

edited for space

Conference Report/updates from Julia: this year Jamie is doing registration on her own; Alex Greene will come in, but she will need some help; Registration opens at 3:30 and she may need help setting up. Board needs to go help her Wed evening and Thursday morning registration.

Had pre-conference meeting with hotel personnel: 533 room nights, roughly 180 rooms booked throughout the conference.

Food & Beverage: following plenaries, 100 box lunches prioritized for students; 10 can get pulled away for the board during our meeting.

Expenses/Numbers for 2018 Conference

AV equipment: $21,000 with service and tax (including our discount); excludes cost of Cultural night which is paid by Univ. of Minnesota. Discussion of AV expenses continues.

Registration: Low, only 200 pre-registered, but 400+ on the program. Need to have membership/participants to register online. Invoices are time consuming to create and need to eliminate or rethink.

Financial issues: Need to remind the body of the many items NACCS pays for with membership which they benefit from.

Exhibitors: We have been very successful in our public relations in how we treat our vendors. Univ. of AZ can’t sell books here (because don’t have permit to sell), but still came.

 Social Media: We have a social media person from the hotel who helped us with our promotion (#NACCS, etc); helps with publicity, undgrad student at University of Minnesota Journalism, Directed Communications, getting assessment data. He met with Kathy & Julia to create shells to use with SnapChat, using a template. Costs money to NACCS= space (portion of hotel we will have this available) x hours. $20 each time, totaling~$100. This publicity will help provide an idea for next year.

Student Plenary Hour: Given that there was just one student awardee and he was unable to attend, the Board decides to cancel the presentation and allow participants to determine their own activity.




Past 8 years including 2018

2008-Tejas- Austin

2009- East Coast – New Brunswick, NJ

2010- PNW – Seattle, W

2011-SCAL- Pasadena

2012-MW – Chicago, IL

2013-Tejas – San Antonio

2014-RM – Salt Lake City, UT

2015-NCAL – San Francisco, CA

2016-CO – Denver

2017-SCAL – Irvine, CA

2018- MW – St. Paul, MN

2019 – RM or Pacific Northwest

Our effort since 2003 has been to rotate the conference to cover all of our regional Focos. In 2016 we finally returned to Colorado, which had been off since the 1994 boycott. Note that 2008 and 2013 went to Tejas (with the 2013 site selection made by resolution from Arturo Madrid and Norma Cantu). We resumed the rotation in 2014 with RM, which was pushed out by Tejas in 2013. Because of revenue potential, we made a decision to go to regions with higher membership in Tejas and CA on a greater frequency schedule – every 5 years, rather than every 9 years. All other areas are inserted based on the last time the conference was in the region, but roughly every 7 years.

Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1

Spring Snow Welcomed NACCS 45

by Carlos Reyes Guerrero, Chair 2002-3/2013-15

photo by CRG

Minneapolis welcomed NACCS 45 with a nice spring snow storm. As Board arrived early to prepare for the conference, flights were delayed and heavy snow welcomed them to the city. However, by morning, the snow had stopped. The sun peeked through the clouds for the rest of the week. Despite the lingering cold, participants endured and explored this Minnesota city along with frequent trips to Target in Edina.

photo by Kathy Blackmer Reyes

On Wednesday evening, the Board and the local committee welcomed NACCS attendees with words of welcome and fabulous local musical talent.

Throughout the week, panels, workshops, plenaries, posters, and films demonstrated the diversity of the Chicanx scholarship. The conference that almost did not happen, happened. “It was an amazing conference, and “The Queer Turn” brought about so many needed and great conversations within the academy,” said V. June Pedraza, NACCS Chair 2018.

photo by Kathy Blackmer Reyes

These spaces are important to a generation of scholars and future generations. Lilia Soto, NACCS Secretary (2018-2020), says it best, “Sometimes we forget what such intellectual spaces mean. It is wonderful to be reminded and I thank my students for reminding me of how I felt attending my first NACCS back in 2003.”

photo by Kathy Blackmer Reyes

NACCS conferences are always the work of commitment and dedication to Chicanx scholarship. The spaces created at the conference demonstrate community, collaboration, understanding, but most of all, love. This is NACCS.



Summer 2018 – Vol. 43 No. 1

Assets and Liabilities Reports: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies

Asset and Liability Report

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

As of June 30, 2017, NACCS assets totaled $204,627.79. This total includes a checking account balance of $47,712.12, web advertisements ($3,250), refunded credit card fees ($114.66), donations ($2,692.20), and membership dues paid ($58,120.18). The total assets also include 2017 conference income in the amount of $92,738.00. The liabilities include operating expenses ($64,664.13)  and 2017 conference expenses in the amount of $78,132.51.  The total liabilities were $144,583.65. The Net Worth of NACCS as of June 30, 2016is $60,044.14.

2016-17 NACCS Asset_Liability 


NACCS Antonia Casteñeda Endowment

Asset and Liability Report

April 30, 2016 – June 30, 2017

In Summer 2016, a decision was made to follow the reporting cycle of Antonia Casteñdea Endowment investment fund and to report it separately.  On April 30, 2016, the total value of the Antonia Casteñdea Endowment was $23,378.31.   There was an overall increase in value of $2,470.48 from April 30, 2016, to June 30, 2017. The Net Worth of the Antonia Casteñdea Endowment as of June 30, 2017, is $25,848.79.

2016-17 NACCS AC Asset_Liability

Spring 2018 – Vol. 42 No. 2

2018 NACC Scholar: Dr. Rosaura Sanchez, “una de las grandes”

Rosaura Sánchez, “una de las grandes”
University of California, San Diego

With unanimous excitement the NACCS Board announces Dr. Rosaura Sánchez as NACCS Scholars 2018 and forever after.  Hers is a tale of commitment, tenacity, and perseverance that provides a context for the labor of NACCS.

Dr. Sánchez began her educational pursuits in 1959 attending the UT at Austin, where she earned a B.A. in Spanish (with a minor in English) in 1963.  Following her BA she entered the Peace Corps where she served as an ESL and Literacy Instructor in Ecuador from 1964-1966.  Among her professional experiences early in her career, Dr. Sanchez served as a Language Instructor in the Peace Corps Summer Training Programs and Teacher Corps at USC Rural Migrant 1967-1970, and 1969-1971 respectively. In 1969 she completed an MA in Spanish and in 1974 a PhD in Romance Linguistics also at the UT at Austin.  Her dissertation entitled:  A Generative Study of Two Spanish Dialects.

According to Dr. Mary Pardo, Sánchez’ “impressive record of contributions, including scholarly work, academic preparation of new scholars…, political stances against injustice, and creative writing represent a life achievement…What is most impressive to me is the consistent rigor of her arguments and ability to engage in contemporary political reflections….my most respected colleagues in Chicana/o Studies at CSUN, include Alicia Ivonne Estrada, PhD., who Sánchez mentored when she was an undergraduate student…Sánchez’ life achievements embody NACCS central mission-a lifetime of critical inquiry regarding the Chicana/o/Mexican/ experience and engagement in contemporary political debates.

Also students of Sanchez were: Dr. Clara Lomas, Dr. Rosalinda Fregoso, and Dr. Lauro Flores.  Dr. Flores stated:  “I met Prof. Sánchez in 1971, when she had just arrived in San Diego, and I was an undergraduate student…Since then, she has been more than just an exemplary scholarly and a teacher, she has been a mentor for several cohorts of students who have moved on to become important figures in the field of Chicana/o Studies, and essential contributions to the development of various areas in the field.  In addition to her work as an advocate for her students, Professor Sanchez’ scholarship has also opened many doors for younger researchers …she has been a true trailblazer in Chicana/o Studies and many related fields:  Critical Theory; Cultural Studies, Third World Studies, and Gender studies.”

Lastly, Dr. Chabram, stated:  “In my opinion Prof. Sánchez is one of the leading critical Chicana thinkers of our times…At a time in which mainstream scholars were taken aback by the multiple particularities of el lenguaje de los Chicanos, Sánchez  delivered a foundational work that documented the longstanding social, cultural and contextual domains of Chicano discourse…she possesses the kind of intelligence, dedication, and yes, dignity, that is rare in academia.  For me she exemplifies what a NACCS Scholars should be and can be.”

Nominated by the N. CA Foco and received support from former students, Dr. Lomas (Colorado College), Dr. Flores (U of Washington),  Dr. Fregoso (UC Santa Cruz) and a colleague from the S. CA Foco, Dr. Pardo (CSU Northridge).

Spring 2018 – Vol. 42 No. 2

Dr. Marisa Elena Duarte Receives Antonia I Castañeda Award

Antonia I Castañeda Award Committee Congratulates Dr. Marisa Elena Duarte

The Antonia I Castañeda Award Committee is pleased to announce that “Uneven Exchanges: Borderlands Violence and the Search for Peace at Sand Creek,” by Marisa Elena Duarte, has been selected for the 2018 Castañeda Award. Dr. Duarte’s article analyzed two university studies (Northwestern University and Denver University) regarding the culpability of John Evans in the Sand Creek massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women and children. Applying theories of subversive lucidity developed by José Medina(2013), and an Indigenous feminist lens to the massacre and its multiple legacies—including the two university studies—Duarte exposed the habits of the mind that made possible the massacre and the settler violence that continues to date. Equally important, she mapped the habits of the mind necessary to respond to legacies of violence and injustice. As historians, Duarte argues, we must turn away from individualistic questions such as “Was John Evans culpable?” and instead ask “What was the nature of the social fabric that compelled Evans to treat Cheyenne and Arapaho women as he did?” and “What are the legacies of Evan’s treatment of women for contemporary Cheyenne and Arapaho women?” It is questions such as these, Duarte argues, that create a truly usable past, and “allows Cheyenne and Arapaho testimony.”

Dr. Marisa Elena Duarte is an assistant professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University where she teaches courses in Critical Indigenous Research Methodologies, Digital Activism, and Cross-Cultural Leadership. Dr. Duarte is also author of Network Sovereignty: Building the Internet Across Indian Country (University of Washington, 2017). “Uneven Exchanges: Borderlands Violence and the Search for Peace at Sand Creek,” was published in Chicana Latina Studies 16. No. 1.

Spring 2018 – Vol. 42 No. 2