Category Archives: Conference Awards

NACCS 43: Student Awards

Cervantes Premio


Esther Díaz Martín,
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Texas at Austin
“Contestaciones: The Music Genre of Cyber-Hociconas”


Ruben Zecena,
Washington State University
“Learning Where to Listen: Examining Third Space Activism in Times of Neoliberal”

Immigrant Student Becas

Chantiri Ramirez Resendiz, UCLA Graduate Student

Griselda Madrigal Lara, CSU Sonoma, Undergraduate Student

Margarita Garcia-Villa, SJSU Graduate Student

Marisela Hernández, Chico State University, Undergraduate Student

Gabriela E. Zamora-Muñoz, University of Utah, Undergraduate

Student Presenter Housing Subsidy Fellows

Joel Zapata, SMU, Tejas, Grad

Patricia Ayala Macias, Sonoma State, NCAL, UG

Griselda Madrigal Lara, Sonoma State, NCAL, UG

Ruth Hernandez, UCONN, EC, GR

Yolanda Ayala, NCAL, UG

Mario Alberto Viveros Espinoza, Cal Poly SLO, SCAL,  UG

Laura J Ramírez, U Illinois Chicago, MW, GR

Enrique Garcia Searcy, UA Cd. Juarez, Mexico, GR

Ashley Faytol, WSU, PNW, GR

Rosabel Marcos, UMKC, MW, UG

Belinda Martinez, UMKC, MW, UG

Itzel Delgado-Gonzalez, Haverford College, EC, UG

Karla Vega, UMKC, MW, UG

Daphne Ruiz, Fullerton College, SCAL,UG



Colorado FOCO Community Awards

American GI Forum Mile Hi Chapter

The American GI Forum is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in our country, founded in 1948 by Dr. Hector P. Garcia to address the problem of discrimination and inequities faced by Mexican-Americans returning from World War II. The American GI Forum Mile Hi Chapter and the Chicana/o Movement will forever be inextricably intertwined. In 1966, the Mile Hi Chapter sparked the Coors boycott to address larger issues, including the hiring of more Chicana/os, support for the UFW grape boycott and the creation of the Chicana/o Studies Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Today, the GI Forum continues its work to enhance our community. Recent activities include a month dedicated to the celebration of our history, a theatrical troupe, the Mile Hi Players, community forums, testifying at legislative committee hearings, providing graveside services for veterans in need of a honor guard, and awarding scholarships to college bound youth. Our Youth Committee actively organizes fundraisers for scholarships, sponsors car shows, volunteers at Denver Health’s Newborns in Need Project, and works with the Del Norte Veterans Apartments to provide needed services. Volunteerism is the lifeblood of the Mile Hi Chapter. In 2015, we logged over 7,000 hours of volunteer work. We embrace the lofty ideals of the Chicana/o Movement, including the redress for grievances and community issues; meaningful immigration reform; the end to discrimination and to obtain social and political power through education and political action. We are part of the Hispanic Community and have heeded the lessons of those who founded the organization and the lessons of the Chicana/o Movement.

César Chávez Peace and Justice Committee of Denver

The César Chávez Peace and Justice Committee of Denver (CCPJCD) was founded 15 years ago to organize an event honoring Chávez’ legacy in the City and County of Denver. The group, now under the auspices of the Adolescent Counseling Exchange, developed a mission statement consistent with the values and work practiced by Chávez and the United Farm Workers (UFW) that includes support for labor struggles, youth education, leadership awards, and a march. CCPJCD worked to get the name of a park in North Denver changed to the César E. Chávez Park. CCPJCD collaborates with several unions and an array of nonprofit organizations to plan and implement the annual march that has resulted in a coalition of supporters from all sectors of Denver. CCPJCD also interfaces with school districts and offers poetry contests and educational workshops for middle and high school students. The organization has been a vocal supporter of the national movement to create a national holiday for César E. Chávez with California’s United Farm Workers. Most recently, CCPJCD has collaborated with Morrison Street community group to change the name of the street to César E. Chávez Boulevard and funded the creation of a mural in West Denver and the creation of a bust of César E. Chávez in the park created by nationally famed artist and sculptor Emanuel Martinez. Lastly, CCPJCD has developed a cadre of upcoming young leaders that are politically involved in the many issues that affect all communities.


Luis A. Torres Selected as 2016 NACCS Scholar

Luis A. Torres, Ph.DIMG_6554. has been involved in NACCS for many years, contributing to the development of this organization, serving as the NACCS national Chair for two years in 1992 and 1993, for which he helped lead the NACCS submission of an amicus brief against the anti-Gay Rights Amendment 2 in Colorado, voted upon by referendum and decided favorably by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1996. He was also instrumental in the formation of the K-12 Caucus.

Luis A. Torres, Ph.D. is an activist scholar. He has received several academic recognitions including a Ford Foundation Fellowship, two National Endowment for the Humanities fellowships, and a California Arts Council Award.  He has received several awards including Outstanding Faculty Award from the University of Southern Colorado in 1994, Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Award at then- Metropolitan State College in 2003, the LARASA Bernie Valdez Education Award from the Latin American Research and Service Agency in 2002, and the Cesar Chavez Leadership Award in Denver in 2002, among others.  He has twice received the Ally of the Year award from the tri-institutional Auraria Higher Education Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Alliance.

Luis A. Torres, Ph.D., has served as Deputy Provost for Academic and Student Affairs at Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSUD) since 2008 and previously as Associate Dean in the School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences.  He has been Co-Chair of MSU Denver’s Hispanic Serving Institution Initiative since 2007, helping increase Hispanic student enrollment from approximately 13% in 2008 to 22% in 2015, toward the goal of 25%.  He helped lead the effort for MSU Denver, as the only institution in Colorado to do so and few if any nationally, to develop a tuition structure in 2012 to allow undocumented students to pay a reduced rate, substantially less than half of out-of-state tuition, before Colorado in 2013 passed the ASSET Bill for in-state tuition. He serves currently on the national College Board’s SAT Writing Test Development Committee.  Among other examples of community involvement, Dr. Torres has served on the Board of Denver’s Latino Education Coalition, and he chaired Denver Public School’s Hispanic Education Advisory Council, serving as Principal Investigator at MSU Denver of a partnership Goals 2000 Grant with Denver Public Schools to establish the El Alma de la Raza Curriculum and Teacher Development Project, which created more than 80 curriculum units in multicultural studies.

Carlos Kevin Blanton Recepient 2015 NACCS Book Award

Carlos Blanton

The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies is pleased to announce the 2015 Book Award Winner, Carlos Kevin Blanton for his book George I. Sánchez:

The Long Fight for Mexican American Integration Yale University Press.

The NACCS Book Award committee Chaired by Carlos Reyes Guerrero with blind reviewers made this years selection.

The book represents a contribution to Chicana and Chicano Studies. Dr. Blanton’s book, George I. Sanchez: The Long Fight for Mexican American Integration, provides its readers an inside view of the building blocks of Chicana/o Studies scholarship and the antecedents of Chicana and Chicano Studies.

Blanton’s book examines the complex life George I. Sánchez. It offers a window into the antecedents of Chicana/o educational rights. Blanton weaves a narrative that demonstrates the commitment educational equity in Chicana/o communities.