Category Archives: News

2016 NACCS Annual Conference Board Meetings

2016 NACCS Annual Conference Board Meetings

Following minutes have been amended for space purposes.

Present—Carlos Guerrero, Nelia Olivencia, June Pedraza, Ed Munoz, Chalane Lechuga, Maria Gonzalez, Armando Ibarra, Aureliano DeSoto, Kathryn Blackmer Reyes; Julia Curry Rodriguez

– Review of  the Leadership Agenda and Script that Julia sent us  — this is very important Reviewed sections assigned to Board members to present at Leadership Orientation meeting on Friday; Ed created a PowerPoint for Friday meeting

– Review of Board Duties and Responsibilities (review of Board Handbook)   – see  organizational  charts and Board Handbook Draft handout—Each board member will review their section and provide feedback to June Pedraza by April 30; June will compile suggested edits; redistribute to Board for May 13 conference call

Old Business

– Communication Director  — see semi-finalized description–Tabled

– Horacio N. Roque-Ramirez Endowment—Ed motioned that the Board support a resolution from the membership to rename the Immigrant Student Beca to the Horacio N. Roque-Ramirez Immigrant Student Becca. Maria seconded. Motion passed unanimously

– Leadership (Foco and Caucus Handbook) handout –see organizational and At-Large Rep flow charts in Leadership orientation PowerPoint; also mention the issue of caucus dissolution if their membership goes below 30 members

– Election Results 13.3% of 406 eligible voters

– American Library Association Resolution—Resolution to remove “illegal alien” from all listings.  A letter of support should be prepared encouraging them in support of their demand to President Snyder

– NACCS Financial Health—After significant discussion on the financial accountability of the organization, Ed motioned to partially pay NACCS Executive Director Julia Curry Rodriguez $7,000 out of current operating balance for services rendered; Armando Ibarra seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously.

– The request to create Caucus en Español/Espanglish and Labor Issues Proposal*– already submitted. Might have two new caucus resolutions if we have 30 signatures; remind membership of caucus enrollment requirements

– Process used to create New Caucus/Dissolution of Caucus—remind caucuses of required enrollment figures. 30 signatures for each caucus; also reminder should be sent to caucuses and focos when each falls below the 30 membership number requirement

– A guideline on how to proceed with “Indigenous ceremony” in future conferences—Will be developed by the new Chair-Elect who is the program chair for 2017 NACCS; Ed will find the past email chain concerning this issue for policy development

– A survey for feedback on NACCS conference – Julia may have sample copy—We do not have the resources nor instruments to effectively assess activities; will discuss at next conference call

– Feedback for NACCS Newsletter that Carlos developed–tabled


NACCS 2016 Conference Asset and Liability Report

NACCS 2016 Conference Asset and Liability Report:

Year-to-Date As of March 31, 2016

As of March 31, 2016, NACCS Assets totaled $143,828.20. This total includes a checking account balance of $80,321.32, the Antonia Casteñeda endowment worth $22,974.88, donations ($3221), membership dues paid ($33,561), and web advertisements ($3750). The liabilities include all operating expenses, the Antonia Casteñeda endowment, a portion of the 2016 Annual Conference expenses (the reminder of which will be included in the next quarterly report), expenses for the NACCS Board Mid-year meeting and Chair-Elect/Past Chair program meeting, Foco payments and rebates for 2016 ($1595), and caucus dues and payments. The Net Worth of NACCS is $80,321.32.

Corrected June 1, 2016 (see correction below)

The annual financial reporting cycle (fiscal year) of NACCS is from July 1 to June 30.

ASSETS Checking Account
July 1, 2015  – [23,400.83]
March 31, 2016 – 80,321.32
2016 Conference Income – 87,010

Antonia Casteñeda Endowment
Edward Jones Investments – Calvert
June 26, 2015  – [23,917.40]
March 24, 2016 – 22,974.88

Donations Total – 3221
Student Support – 442
Development Fund – 50
Legal Defense Fund – 5
Immigrant BECA Award – 457
Conference Support – 915
NACCS Endowment – 100
Community/Low-Income – 52
Tejas Foco Donation – 1200

Membership Dues – 33,561
August 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016
Include Dues Paid to Caucus

Web Advertisements – 3750

TOTAL ASSETS 143,828.20


Antonia Casteñeda Endowment
Edward Jones Investments – Calvert
June 26, 2015 – [23,917.40]
March 24, 2016 – 22,974.88

Caucus Dues  – 3035
Caucus Payments
Chicana Caucus – 800
NACCS Awards – 3700
Cervantes Premio – 700
Immigrant Beca Award – 3000

Credit Card Fees – 4121.74
Refund to Members – 140
Bad Debt-CSU Chico – 560
Paypay/Verisign – 719.40
Post Office Box Rental – 90
Security Certificates – 400
Web Host – 6000
Independent Contract Compensation:
Web, Conference oversight, program-Blackmer – 5000
Foco Rebates Available 2016 – 1595

Foco Payments
Rocky Mountain Foco – 120
Tejas Foco-Denise Chavez –  500
Tejas Foco – 700

Midyear Meetings(ii)
Travel-NACCS Board – 2230.09
Lodging-NACCS Board – 2859.64
F&B – 189.73

Program Meeting-Chair Elect & Past Chair – 1282.64
Travel & Lodging

2016 Conference Expenses – 6488.76
Student Housing Fellows
Plaques for Awards – 619.57
Program Cover – 800.00
Independent Contract Compensation
Registration -Jamie Lamberti – 700.00
Supplies (Name Tags, Copies, Ink, Paper) 3331.01
Travel-NACCS Assistants-Reg; Childcare 1,038.18

TOTAL LIABILITIES 63,676.15 63,506.88


[1] Note that the error was in the transposing of figures when reporting the Total Liabilities, but not in the actual calculation and reporting of liabilities themselves, nor in the calculation of the Net Worth as reported in April 2016.

[1] Expense excludes NACCS Executive Director and Associate Director

NACCS Conference Rotation

The 2017 conference location has not yet been identified but we hope to announce soon.

2012: CHICAGO (Midwest)

2013: SAN ANTONIO (Tejas)


2015: NO. CAL


2017: SO. CAL

2018: MEXICO

2019: PNW

2020: E. COAST

2021: NO. CAL

2022: TEXAS

2023: SO. CAL



2026: TEXAS

2027: NO. CAL


2029: SO. CAL

2030: MEXICO

2031: TEXAS

2017 At-Large Representatives Groups

Members, please contact your At-large representatives if you have any questions regarding foco/caucus activities, NACCS deadlines, and/or any organizational issues.

Maria Gonzalez-At-Large Representative,

  1. East Coast
  2. Joto,
  3. S. Cal 
  4. LMBT
  5. N. Cal  
  6. Chicana 

Alexandro Gradilla– At-Large Representative,

  1. Midwest  
  2. Compas
  3. Tejas
  4. Indigenous
  5. Colorado
  6. Student

Brenda Valles– At-Large Representative,

  1. Rocky Mountain
  2. Graduate Student
  3. Pacific NW
  4. K-12
  5. Mexico
  6. Community

Foco and Caucus Reports – Annual Meeting 2016

Foco and Caucus Reports

Reports Submitted by the following:

Northern California
Southern California
Rocky Mountain

Chicana Caucus
Student Caucus

Reports are Edited for Space.

Chicana Caucus Report

Submitted by Yvette E. Isabel

Election of New Caucus Co-Chairs
Elected Isabel Millán and Yvette Saavedra as co-chairs.
Chicana Caucus Book Award
At the April 8, 2016 meeting we began a discussion about creating a Chicana Caucus Book
Award recognizing Chicana Scholarship.
Dues & Budget
Thanks to everyone’s membership dues, we were able to award two scholarships to students attending this year’s NACCS conference.
Chicana Caucus Breakfast at Future Conferences
Brief discussion about possibly having a Chicana Caucus Breakfast at future conferences.
Social Media
Facebook –
Instagram –

Student Caucus Report

Submitted by Juan Carlos Guerrero

Member Count :
10-11 members attended the 2016 Student Caucus who expressed a variety of ambitions from the caucus that will be highlighted below
Grad Student Caucus, in Conversation with Grad Student Caucus about merging caucuses
Resolution & Initiatives
Campaign for Presence
Launch a campaign to increase presence of the Student Caucus for first time NACCS students
Potentially going to be using funds but needed to still be discussed and voted on by the paid members
Potentially play a role in the NACCS for Beginner, needs to be discussed
Institutional Violence Resolutions : 2 Resolutions
1st Resolution : Originally asked NACCS to use the definition for Institutional Violence provided by the Spring 2014 edition of The MALCS Journal, Volume 13 Issue 2, to create a new by-law but changed to add Appendix 10 with this definition and it is now on the consent Agenda
2nd Resolution :Spoke with the Ad-Hoc and we decided to table it until we can further evolve the resolution in both depth and substance
Loyola Marymount University (LMU) :
Context provided by Raymundo Andrade
Single Resolution : A letter of support was asked through a resolution by undergraduates in LMU but Ed Munoz said that it but wasn’t required in the end and the letter will be written and sent over.

Southern California Foco Report

Submitted by Alex Reyes

The Southern California Foco discussed the follow topics:
Institutional violence and issues of racism against students at LMU, CSULB and UCSD
Discussed the formation of a CSU Faculty and Staff Association
Foco supports and creation of a Labor Caucus at NACCS
Foco held an election to replace outgoing rep Alfredo Carlos. CSULB grad student Alex Reyes was elected as new Foco Rep.
Foco will work on establishing regular semester meeting(s).

Northern California Foco Report

Submitted by Ismael Lara III

Introduce: Co-reps: Ismael Rey Lara and Lupe Gallegos-Diaz
Successful Regional conference on March 5, 2016 entitled Engaging In Political Activism and Advocacy for Power
Our Foco had a lengthy discussion about reminding our membership to pay their dues it is the only source of income to support the organization and staff.
Our Foco also support the creation of the labor caucus but strongly suggest to center women issues within this new caucus.
Submitted resolution to rename Immigrant Beca to the Dr. Horacio N. Roque Ramirez Immigrant Student Beca.
Foco has agreed start the $25k endownment by donating $1k of our funds to kick it off.
Exploring the development of a CSU Faculty Association

Rocky Mountain Foco Report

Rocky Mountain Foco Newsletter
Will be sent out twice per year. Dolores Delgado Bernal was suggested for a highlighted interview in the next issue. Vanessa Fonseca encouraged membership participation in the creation of the next newsletter

Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, a page on the NACCS website (one already exists for Rocky Mountain – contains information from a 2013 conference held in Arizona). No social media policy from NACCS – a Facebook page is possible

Transparency with NACCS
NACCS Mid-year meeting participation with Focos
Help fund New Mexico Highlands University students

Membership issues
Increase membership, Encourage those that become members to also check the Rocky Mountain Foco box
Regional conference, Manuel de Jesús Hernández proposed a virtual conference that would bring the 5 states together
New caucus proposal – Daniel Vargas – Caucus en Español
Gained 37 signatures. Will pass along to Ed Muñoz to verify that all are paid members of the organization
U of Wyoming MEChA – racist incident in Buffalo, WY – NACCS statement in collaboration with K-12 Caucus
Somos America Resolution to sign a letter addressed to Governor Doucey (AZ) to stop anti-immigrant legislation. Manuel de Jesús Hernández asked for signatures for a petition along with a resolution to request a letter from NACCS.

Financial Report
RM Foco Revenue 2015 – $120.00
RM Foco Revenue 2016 – $165.00
42 members – this is low for our region.
15 students, 27 non-students
U of Wyoming MEChA report and discussion
K-12 Caucus Resolution returned (not a resolution). NACCS will write a letter of support addressed to Johnson County School District #1 with a cc to UW College of Education

Somos America – resolution to be presented at business meeting
Caucus en Español – returned for revisions – will work on it for NACCS 2017
Virtual Conference – proposal by Manuel de Jesús Hernández
Date, theme, organization – September 29-30, 2016
Each state rep to organize and submit panels for consideration for virtual conference

Membership Report

2015 NACCS Membership Report

Total Members; 448

  1.  Female: 237
  2. Male: 155
  3. Fluid/Queer: 4
  4. Non listed: 52

Caucus Membership (S=Student; NS=Non Student)

  • Chicana: 130 – S 52; NS 78
  • Community: 25 – S 10; NS 15
  • COMPAS: 23 – S 6; NS 17
  • Graduate: 83 – S 69; NS 14
  • Indigenous: 49 – S 22; NS 27
  • Joto: 28 – S 15; NS 13
  • K-12: 25 – S 12; NS 13
  • LBMT: 31 – S 11; NS 20
  • Student: 14 – S 14; NS 0

Book Award Call for Submissions

The NACCS Book Award recognizes an outstanding new book in the field of Chicana and Chicano Studies. We will consider single-authored scholarly monographs and books published during 2015. Translations, reprints, re-editions of previously published works, edited volumes, multi-author collections of essays, or books previously nominated for this award, are not eligible. We invite nominations from NACCS members and publishers. Deadline: July 1, 2016. Direct questions

Any book(s) received that are published on the non nomination year, is not guaranteed to be held for the following year, will not be returned nor will the publisher/author/nominator be notified.

The award includes a $500.00 premium.  It is celebrated at the annual Awards ceremony during the conference.  The winner is introduced at the ceremony and gives a very brief statement.  Many candidates also present their books in author/signing events in the book exhibit area (usually supported by their press-who must pay for the exhibit space), some authors propose panels author/critic sessions.

There are 4 members of the committee.  Usually candidates and/or their editors make arrangements to send the 4 copies of the books.

A total of four (4) copies must be sent to NACCS. Send one (1) copy directly to the Chair of the Book Committee along with the letter of nomination (self-nominations are acceptable). And three (3) copies to NACCS for distribution to the committee members.  No CODs/No UPS/No FedEx please. Use the United State Postal Service only.

Mail addresses: No chair has been appointed. Please send the 4 copies to the address below.

P.O. BOX 720052
San José, CA  95172-0052

The DEADLINE for nominations of books published during 2015 is July 1, 2016.

2016: Carlos Kevin Blanton, George I. Sanchez: The Long Fight for Mexican American Integration. Yale University Press. 2014.
2015: Raul Coronado, A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture. Harvard University Press. 2013.
2014: Deborah Vargas, Dissonant Divas in Chicana Music: The Limits of La Onda. University of Minnesota Press. 2012.
2013: Martha Menchaca, Naturalizing Mexican Immigrants: A Texas History. University of Texas Press. 2011.
2012: David Montejano, Quixote’s Soldiers. University of Texas Press. 2010.
2011: Richard T. Rodriguez, Next of Kin: the Family in Chicano/a cultural politics.Duke University Press. 2009.
2010: William David Estrada. The Los Angeles Plaza: Sacred and Contested Space.University of Texas Press. 2008.


NACCS Award Deadline 2016-2017


2017 NACCS Scholar
The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies invites nominations for the NACCS Scholar Award. The Award was established in 1981 to recognize “life achievement” contributions of scholars to Chicana and Chicano Studies. Deadline for submissions is October 3, 2016 (postmarked).  See NACCS Scholar link on left side for information (announcement at towards the bottom of screen). See past Scholar recipients

Frederick A. Cervantes Student Premio
Are you an Undergraduate or Graduate student? If so, NACCS seeks submissions from Undergraduate and Graduate scholars that contribute to Chicana and Chicano Studies, an interdisciplinary area of study.  Deadline for submission is October 9, 2016.

The Antonia I. Castañeda Prize
The award is in recognition of a published scholarly article or book chapter of an historical orientation on the intersection of class, race, gender, and sexuality as related to Chicana/Latina and/ Native/Indigenous women. The piece must have been published in the previous year (2015) by a woman who is an ABD graduate student, pre-tenured faculty member, or an independent scholar. The award is designed to promote and acknowledge scholarship of an historical orientation by Chicana/Latina and/or Native/Indigenous scholars working on issues of intersectionality. No books or creative writing considered. Deadline: November 1, 2016.

Immigrant Student Beca
NACCS offers scholarships for current undocumented immigrant students who are committed to furthering the well being of Chicanas and Chicanos. Applicants must be members of NACCS, be enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution and be an immigrant of Chicana/o heritage. The NACCS Immigrant Student Beca Fund was founded in 2008 to help Chicana and Chicano college students complete their education. The scholarships are available on a competitive basis for community college, four-year college, and graduate students. Awards range from $100 to $500. Deadline: October 16, 2016.

In Memoriam


Each year, NACCS pays tribute to members and scholar that have contributed to the organization and/or to Chicana and Chicano Studies.






Noticias de NACCS Survey June 2016