Foco and Caucus Reports – Annual Meeting 2016

Foco and Caucus Reports

Reports Submitted by the following:

Northern California
Southern California
Rocky Mountain

Chicana Caucus
Student Caucus

Reports are Edited for Space.

Chicana Caucus Report

Submitted by Yvette E. Isabel

Election of New Caucus Co-Chairs
Elected Isabel Millán and Yvette Saavedra as co-chairs.
Chicana Caucus Book Award
At the April 8, 2016 meeting we began a discussion about creating a Chicana Caucus Book
Award recognizing Chicana Scholarship.
Dues & Budget
Thanks to everyone’s membership dues, we were able to award two scholarships to students attending this year’s NACCS conference.
Chicana Caucus Breakfast at Future Conferences
Brief discussion about possibly having a Chicana Caucus Breakfast at future conferences.
Social Media
Facebook –
Instagram –

Student Caucus Report

Submitted by Juan Carlos Guerrero

Member Count :
10-11 members attended the 2016 Student Caucus who expressed a variety of ambitions from the caucus that will be highlighted below
Grad Student Caucus, in Conversation with Grad Student Caucus about merging caucuses
Resolution & Initiatives
Campaign for Presence
Launch a campaign to increase presence of the Student Caucus for first time NACCS students
Potentially going to be using funds but needed to still be discussed and voted on by the paid members
Potentially play a role in the NACCS for Beginner, needs to be discussed
Institutional Violence Resolutions : 2 Resolutions
1st Resolution : Originally asked NACCS to use the definition for Institutional Violence provided by the Spring 2014 edition of The MALCS Journal, Volume 13 Issue 2, to create a new by-law but changed to add Appendix 10 with this definition and it is now on the consent Agenda
2nd Resolution :Spoke with the Ad-Hoc and we decided to table it until we can further evolve the resolution in both depth and substance
Loyola Marymount University (LMU) :
Context provided by Raymundo Andrade
Single Resolution : A letter of support was asked through a resolution by undergraduates in LMU but Ed Munoz said that it but wasn’t required in the end and the letter will be written and sent over.

Southern California Foco Report

Submitted by Alex Reyes

The Southern California Foco discussed the follow topics:
Institutional violence and issues of racism against students at LMU, CSULB and UCSD
Discussed the formation of a CSU Faculty and Staff Association
Foco supports and creation of a Labor Caucus at NACCS
Foco held an election to replace outgoing rep Alfredo Carlos. CSULB grad student Alex Reyes was elected as new Foco Rep.
Foco will work on establishing regular semester meeting(s).

Northern California Foco Report

Submitted by Ismael Lara III

Introduce: Co-reps: Ismael Rey Lara and Lupe Gallegos-Diaz
Successful Regional conference on March 5, 2016 entitled Engaging In Political Activism and Advocacy for Power
Our Foco had a lengthy discussion about reminding our membership to pay their dues it is the only source of income to support the organization and staff.
Our Foco also support the creation of the labor caucus but strongly suggest to center women issues within this new caucus.
Submitted resolution to rename Immigrant Beca to the Dr. Horacio N. Roque Ramirez Immigrant Student Beca.
Foco has agreed start the $25k endownment by donating $1k of our funds to kick it off.
Exploring the development of a CSU Faculty Association

Rocky Mountain Foco Report

Rocky Mountain Foco Newsletter
Will be sent out twice per year. Dolores Delgado Bernal was suggested for a highlighted interview in the next issue. Vanessa Fonseca encouraged membership participation in the creation of the next newsletter

Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, a page on the NACCS website (one already exists for Rocky Mountain – contains information from a 2013 conference held in Arizona). No social media policy from NACCS – a Facebook page is possible

Transparency with NACCS
NACCS Mid-year meeting participation with Focos
Help fund New Mexico Highlands University students

Membership issues
Increase membership, Encourage those that become members to also check the Rocky Mountain Foco box
Regional conference, Manuel de Jesús Hernández proposed a virtual conference that would bring the 5 states together
New caucus proposal – Daniel Vargas – Caucus en Español
Gained 37 signatures. Will pass along to Ed Muñoz to verify that all are paid members of the organization
U of Wyoming MEChA – racist incident in Buffalo, WY – NACCS statement in collaboration with K-12 Caucus
Somos America Resolution to sign a letter addressed to Governor Doucey (AZ) to stop anti-immigrant legislation. Manuel de Jesús Hernández asked for signatures for a petition along with a resolution to request a letter from NACCS.

Financial Report
RM Foco Revenue 2015 – $120.00
RM Foco Revenue 2016 – $165.00
42 members – this is low for our region.
15 students, 27 non-students
U of Wyoming MEChA report and discussion
K-12 Caucus Resolution returned (not a resolution). NACCS will write a letter of support addressed to Johnson County School District #1 with a cc to UW College of Education

Somos America – resolution to be presented at business meeting
Caucus en Español – returned for revisions – will work on it for NACCS 2017
Virtual Conference – proposal by Manuel de Jesús Hernández
Date, theme, organization – September 29-30, 2016
Each state rep to organize and submit panels for consideration for virtual conference

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