2017 NACCS Scholar
The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies invites nominations for the NACCS Scholar Award. The Award was established in 1981 to recognize “life achievement” contributions of scholars to Chicana and Chicano Studies. Deadline for submissions is October 3, 2016 (postmarked). See NACCS Scholar link on left side for information (announcement at towards the bottom of screen). See past Scholar recipients
Frederick A. Cervantes Student Premio
Are you an Undergraduate or Graduate student? If so, NACCS seeks submissions from Undergraduate and Graduate scholars that contribute to Chicana and Chicano Studies, an interdisciplinary area of study. Deadline for submission is October 9, 2016.
The Antonia I. Castañeda Prize
The award is in recognition of a published scholarly article or book chapter of an historical orientation on the intersection of class, race, gender, and sexuality as related to Chicana/Latina and/ Native/Indigenous women. The piece must have been published in the previous year (2015) by a woman who is an ABD graduate student, pre-tenured faculty member, or an independent scholar. The award is designed to promote and acknowledge scholarship of an historical orientation by Chicana/Latina and/or Native/Indigenous scholars working on issues of intersectionality. No books or creative writing considered. Deadline: November 1, 2016.
Immigrant Student Beca
NACCS offers scholarships for current undocumented immigrant students who are committed to furthering the well being of Chicanas and Chicanos. Applicants must be members of NACCS, be enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution and be an immigrant of Chicana/o heritage. The NACCS Immigrant Student Beca Fund was founded in 2008 to help Chicana and Chicano college students complete their education. The scholarships are available on a competitive basis for community college, four-year college, and graduate students. Awards range from $100 to $500. Deadline: October 16, 2016.