NACCS 45: New Resolution Process Introduced for 2018 Conference

Dear NACCS Member,

Our annual meeting in Minneapolis-Saint Paul is rapidly approaching, and we are excited to see you and celebrate together the richness and vibrancy that is Chicana/o/x Studies.

The Board wishes to announce an important new process for submitting resolutions beginning this year. This decision is taken to ease communication offering NACCS members, Focos, and Caucuses greater opportunities for deliberating on resolutions before the conference.  The revised process reflects changes that draw on the technological communication practices that echo the way we live and work today.

The resolution process has not functioned efficiently for quite some time, and has been the subject of extended frustration for several years. For the members the process meant making time to investigate, write, and vet the composition of resolutions while trying also to participate in the conference.   The Board devoted significant time and attention to review and draft resolutions during the conference in addition to meeting over pressing matters, and carrying out their conference roles.  The work entailed intensive revising, editing, and returning resolutions submitted by Foco and Caucus designated members within a very tight deadline.

In light of the intensive demands on both the Foco and Caucus Leadership and the Board we have determined that the process is neither efficient nor conducive to the vital community building that ought to take place during the conference.  We believe that the Foco and Caucus leadership as well as the Board members should be attending panels, meeting with members, and attending to other NACCS business over the course of our brief and invigorating four days. These changes give Focos and Caucuses greater opportunities at the national meeting to discuss and move other items on their agendas during their meeting times.

Therefore, we propose to revise the resolution process to facilitate Focos and Caucuses to develop resolutions before the national conference thereby introducing a more effective process.  We are asking that you please forward resolutions to the Board at least fourteen (14) days before the national conference begins so that we may review them in advance of the conference.

The date for submissions is Wednesday, March 21st. Resolutions will be forwarded to the NACCS Secretary to compile the list of Resolutions for our collective work.  Please send your resolutions to: Jennie Luna (

Here is a link on Writing NACCS Resolutions

We hope that Focos and Caucuses will begin now to draft possible resolutions for the 2018 conference. Foco representatives and Caucus chairs should be in contact with their At-Large representatives on the Board if they have questions or need assistance in the preparation of resolutions.  Please note that the Board will be introducing a resolution to formally integrate this process into the bylaws.



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